What is

Can Anyone Hear Me? is an initiative borne from the desire to raise awareness of the mental health crisis in children and young adults – to give them a voice. The next generation depends on our investment now.
In 2018, a series of Can Anyone Hear Me? Summits were launched offering a unique insight into what today’s children and young adults are experiencing. Their bravery is astonishing. By sharing their journey together, we are allowing them to be heard and fighting the stigma attached to the words ‘Mental Health’.
Now more than ever, Mental Health must be our Top Priority. An unprecedented pandemic of Covid-19 has changed the way we live over the past year. As the world dips in and out of lockdown, we are continuing to work hard to ensure that our platform of events continue online through Live Webinars. We are committed to help make those young voices be heard.
A green paper was published in November 2017 on the transformation of mental health services for children and young people, extra funding was promised and waiting times were to be cut from 12 to 4 weeks. ‘The System’ is still struggling and now more than ever, it is crucial that we continue to bring together representatives from various associations, schools, universities, charities, local government and health authorities plus policy makers and fund raisers to join the conversation and discuss practical solutions that will have a lasting impact.
There is without doubt a requirement for this initiative as Paul Farmer, CEO of MIND agrees “it is the right time to be holding an event like this where young people’s voices can be heard”.
Live Webinars
In 2020 we launched our first Live Webinar, which went global with over 800 registrations, and attendees from Australia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, France, Hong Kong, Ireland, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Serbia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, UK and USA. The response to Can Anyone Hear Me? Digital has been overwhelmingly positive.
We are unique, in that we are committed to providing a platform where young people have a voice and where innovative, honest discussions can take place.
Campaigns & Events
Now and Beyond
Our vision is to improve mental health provisions within education. This year was just the beginning, now it’s time to go beyond.
Mental Health Week
PESI UK (Psychotherapy Excellence) and Place2Be are bring speakers and experts together, to talk on ‘Creativity as a Healing Tool’
Young London SOS
Evening Standard launches campaign to fight the crisis in mental health of children during pandemic.
Summits & Webinars
2021 Live Webinar
09h30 – 13h00 on Wednesday 16th June 2021
“ . ” - A call to all mental health service providers.
Who is out there to help? Who is out there when you or your loved one starts to suffer with their mental health or goes into crisis? Who is out there for on-going support? Who is out there to get a diagnosis? Who can you turn to when so many services are already at breaking point?
This dilemma is real. This is the reality many individuals and families face on a daily basis. Are we failing our children and young adults? Is the system at breaking point? How will ‘the system’ cope with the downward spiral of mental health throughout this pandemic?
Join us and be part of the conversation. Hear first-hand from experts who offer help and support. Listen to parents and young adults share their story.